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MAN ON A LEDGE (2012) BluRay 720p 650MB FREE

Download Man on a Ledge (2012) BluR`y 720p 650MB Ganool
Release Date: 27 January 2012
Genre: Crime | Thriller
Stars: Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks and Jamie Bell
Quality: BluRay 720p
Sinopsis Indonesia:
Seorang mantan polisi berbalik con mengancam untuk melompat ke kematiannya dari atap hotel Manhattan. The New York terdekatpetugas Polisi segera merespon seorang wanita berteriak danpengiriman panggilan. Petugas lebih tiba dengan SWAT danperintah taktis bersama dengan petugas pemadam kebakaran.Polisi kemudian mengirimkan seorang psikolog polisi wanitasecara pribadi diminta untuk membujuknya turun dari langkan.Namun, hal ini tidak sesederhana dan tebang habis karena merekatampaknya. 
Sinopsis English:
An ex-cop turned con threatens to jump to his death from a Manhattan hotel rooftop. The nearest New York Police officer immediately responds to a screaming womn and calls dispatch. More Officers arrive with SWAT and tactical command along with fire-fighters. The police then dispatches a female police psychologist personally requested to talk him down from the ledge. However, things aren’t as straightforward and clearcut as they appear to be.